Boot Camp Journey

Flatiron School Software Engineering Boot Camp

CLI Data Gem Project

Living in NYC, the land where everything costs 5 times more than it should, for the past 10 years has turned me into someone who relentlessly looks for the best deal at all times. I’m also a huge book nerd, which can become an expensive hobby if you’re not a dedicated deal-seeker. There are cheap options for books, such as thrift store purchases and a subscription to BookBub’s daily newsletter that lists e-books that are currently $5.99 or less, and there are free options, which include a library card and entering giveaways just in case you have a lucky moment and win. To keep tabs on the most recent giveaways on Goodreads, I scraped their Fiction Giveaways page for my CLI Data Gem Project.

Why Software Engineering?

My career path has never been smooth, straightforward, or logical. It took two years post-graduation from St. John’s University to land my first office job, and that was a job that had little to nothing to do with my major - I graduated with a BS in Communication Arts and became an Account Manager at a car rental company. After almost three years at that company, I realized that not only was I working in a job that wasn’t anything close to what I had envisioned for myself, I was working for a company whose mission didn’t resonate with me in any way. I started searching for a new career with a company that makes an impact; a company whose mission inspired me.